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helpline e-podroznik.plDoriți să achiziționați un bilet?
Apelați 703502802Disponibil non-stop
Cost: 3,69 PLN TVA inclus / minut
Service provided by Progress Plus s.c.
Help line-ul furnizează informații cu privire la conexiuni, prețul biletelor și permite achiziționarea de bilete prin telefon. Disponibil 8:00-19:00,
365 de zile pe an.

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Information about timetables and tickets sell

+48 703 502 802

Cost: 3,69 PLN TVA inclus / minut,  Service provided by Progress Plus s.c. Check additional information about the helpline
Informacja dla Klientów Infolinii premium

You can also get information by sending email to:

Provide us with your ticket number so we can solve your issue faster.

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Have you bought a ticket and want to check your booking details, change your travel date, return your ticket or download it again? You can do it yourself and without additional charges by logging in using your ticket number.

Frequently asked questions

You can also find answers to most questions about purchasing tickets and booking travel in the help section


Teroplan S.A.
ul. Klucznikowska 1
32-600 Oświęcim

22 2692013
After-sales helpline:
Available from Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Connection cost in accordance with the operator's tariff

entered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Kraków - Śródmieście in Kraków, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number 0000493001, tax number (NIP): 5492295534,

share capital: PLN 1.735.193,00, paid up in full.

Adresa de corespondență

Teroplan S.A.
str. Zakopianska 73
30-418 Cracovia

Office of TEROPLAN S.A.
is open from Monday to Friday
between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Data Security Officer: Maciej Pytlowany

You can contact him in all matters regarding personal data via email by sending a message to:

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The website uses GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind
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